Friday, 1 October 2010

Golden Era Gossip

This A+++ lister from days gone by was an Academy Award nominee/winner and no one will have any doubts he was an A lister. Anyway, back in the day, this actor was also the man you turned to when LSD was just making its way into Hollywood. Everyone wanted to try it and this actor was about the only person who could supply it. It is said he used it almost everyday from the time he first tried it. That could explain why he didn't work much, if at all after first trying it, despite being in his earning years still. He was once married to a C list actress who has one of the most remarkable true life experiences ever. (CDAN)

Cary Grant. His use of LSD is pretty well known and I'm currently reading a book by Esther Williams, MGM's 'Mermaid' and she went to Grant when she was depressed to get some LSD. He'd be the best looking dealer anyone would have come across, that's for sure. And the C-List actress who was his beard is Betsy Drake. She survived the sinking of the SS Andrea Doria in 1956 and she is also credited with introducing Grant to LSD. 

This is the short version of a very long winded blind item that I found on the Crazy Days and Nights site. Way back in old Hollywood, even before Hollywood really existed, a young actress had a baby out of wedlock and had to have the child adopted. In those days adoptions would usually be inter-family and the baby boy was placed with a cousin. Years passed and the young actress became a huge star. The boy grew up and went to Hollywood himself. He didn't know he was adopted but he knew that the family had a friend out there who was a star. The boy went to work with her for a while and the star knew exactly who he was. And that didn't stop her having a wild affair with the boy, who never knew her real identity. She told only a handful of people in her lifetime and thrilled in this 'illicit affair'.

Gross. Why do Hollywood stars love a bit of incest? Anyway, internet rumours point to Mae West. Other names in the mix: Gloria Swanson and Clara Bow.

An A list singer and B list actor who for some reason had this very strong attraction to a waitress. They had a thing, but how he could even remember her, I have no clue. Anyway, it turns out the waitress ended up getting married to a cop. Our singer/actor ran into the waitress shortly after her marriage and wanted to be with her for a night. She told him she was married now and also told her husband the cop. The cop and the singer get into a big argument and the singer tells the cop he is going to get it. Two weeks later the cop is dead and our singer/actor goes back to the waitress the next day and says he wants to see her that night. (CDAN)

Ole blue eyes and his mafia connections strike again!

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