Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Two for Travolta

There was a party recently to celebrate the imminent arrival. So he took the opportunity to get dressed up, full lady costume, with his male friends, and sing and dance and flail about, and let the real him fly for a change, at least the afternoon, just like in the movies, while his expectant wife looked on… or away, I guess, depends how you see it. They say he feels free in character, this particular character. But it wasn’t an open invitation for everyone. These curious affairs never are. Even the wait staff was required to have come off the same space ship. Like mandatory. While he would have preferred tall, dark, and handsome too, in this respect, at least lately, she’s been able to overrule him. Impulse control, however, has never been his strength. He’s been on a very, very short leash. (Lainey Gossip)
Edna Turnblad aka The Spa Crawler.

You’ll be delighted to hear that this celebrity is having just the easiest pregnancy ever! No morning sickness, no swollen feet, and lots of energy. It is truly amazing how much easier pregnancy is when you don’t actually have to carry the baby. Anyone happen to catch her in a bathing suit this summer? Of course not. In other news, she has just upgraded to the largest size belly bump for the last trimester. It is big, and she’s finding it uncomfortable to wear, so don’t expect to see her out and about more than once or twice in the next few weeks. (Blind Gossip)
We've touched on this before haven't we Mrs. T? 

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