Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Spoiled Little Cow

This daughter of a family with multiple famous names involved recently had a birthday party. Sweet and wholesome, right? Not really. The family asked a designer that the girl favored two types of donations: several custom dresses for the birthday girl to wear at the party, as well as personalized swag bag gifts for over 100 guests. The designer and staff started working overtime to produce several custom dresses and the swag. When the birthday girl entered the room where the designer had set up all of the dresses and other items, she threw a hissy fit, told the designer that she and her friends weren’t going to wear any of this ugly *, and walked out. The mother was mortified and apologized over and over again to the designer, but the damage was done. Oh, and the mother was drinking during this little episode. And we’re not talking milk.

A few names are being put forward for this. Really, is it that surprising? I've seen worse behavior on Sweet Sixteen.

However I guess Miley Cyrus or one of the Willis girls. Miley appeared in a Got Milk ad in the States which would tie in with this blind. You just know that Miley is going to be one spoiled moo. 


  1. Miley's birthday isn't for another 6 weeks.

    I think it's Lourdes, her birthday is in 2 days, could have had an early party!

    Wouldn't it be FUN though if it was Suri? But her birthday was in April :D

    And no I do not know these birthdays off by heart, Wiki told me ;)

  2. Nicely spotted on the birthday front.

    Yeah I can totally see Suri pulling this crap! Watch out in 10 years time.

    I would also like to put Demi Lovato's name forward. It's definitely someone who has appeared in a Got Milk ad.

    Don't think it's Lourdes. All reports have her as extremely polite and rather afraid to upset her mother!
