Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Unpleasant Dinner Guest

This 'blind' is a little old, but worth a posting:
Ben Kingsley told a story on The View a while back about an unpleasant dinner he had at the home of a Hollywood actor: “There are times when I wish I could have said or done something differently. [For example] The last time I was here, there was an old Hollywood actor who invited me back to his home. He was with his aging German girlfriend. I was instantly nervous around her. During the meal, she said ‘Are you Jewish?’. And I said ‘No as a matter of fact, I’m half Indian and half English.’ And she said ”Oh my god, that’s even worse.’ [audience gasps] So, I did not drop my knife and fork and say ‘F* you’. I stayed in a state of rage throughout the dinner. Why? Because everything happens for a reason. And now here I am with you and [pointing at the camera] if you’re still around, you racist old witch…[gesturing to The View panel] these girls have now heard it, and you know who you are! You know who you are!”
So an old Hollywood actor dates a racist old hag? Nasty business, but this is allegedly Robert Redford and his German born wife Sybille. Maybe they have regular dinners with Sandra Bullocks ex Jesse James, he of the infamous Nazi salute pictures?

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